Monday, June 6, 2011

Georgie - review of Y6

Year 6 has been stupendous. Dibba was one of my favourite highlights of this year because I had so much fun and I got to know everyone a lot more. Also we got to stay for 3 nights instead of 2 like last year. My favourite activity at Dibba was mountain biking because we got to do some really cool ramps and jumps. I also enjoyed performing 'Hatred and Hope' as it gave us a chance to show off our talents of acting and singing. The end performance was great well done everyone. I really enjoyed art week because everyone through themselves into their art work and as everyone worked so hard on their paintings they turned out wonderfully. I am looking forward to performing 'The Spirit of The Circuis' I know it will be fab because everyone will act, dance and sing just as we all did in 'Hatred and Hope'. I will miss Kings' when I leave but I am also looking forward to going to JESS and using art rooms and lots of other cool things that you do in secondary school.

Thank You to Mr Watson, Miss Bates and Mrs Hislop for making this year so special to me. :)

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